Dara Nagra, CEO of AVAAL Technology Solutions Honoured With Platinum Jubilee Award - AVAAL Technology Solutions

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Dara Nagra, CEO of AVAAL Technology Solutions Honoured With Platinum Jubilee Award

On December 20th 2022, Member of Parliament for Brampton South, Mrs. Sonia Sidhu presented Mr. Dara Nagra, CEO of AVAAL Technology Solutions with the Platinum Jubilee Award commemorating the 70th Anniversary of Her Majesty’s Accession to the Throne.

The Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal has been created to recognizes outstanding services from Canadians who have dedicated themselves to family, community, and country.

“I feel so privileged to receive this recognition. I truly believe together we can make a difference and achieve new heights of success” – Dara Nagra

As part of Dara’s continued contribution to the community, AVAAL has donated over $120,000 to SickKids Foundation in past years and will continue to support causes with significant impact in the community.