Avaal Technology celebrates the completion of its 14th Successful Batch in the Dispatch Specialist course - AVAAL Technology Solutions

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Avaal Technology celebrates the completion of its 14th Successful Batch in the Dispatch Specialist course

Brampton, ON — March 25, 2007 – Sunday marked the completion of one of Avaal’s most prolific graduation ceremonies for its Dispatch Specialist Course. The course which has graduated over 110 students has gained tremendous recognition throughout the trucking industry and continues to offer insight into one of Canada fastest growing industry niches. This ceremony included a special guest appearance from Brampton’s very own MP, Dr. Ruby Dhalla. Dr. Dhalla presented students with a customized government issued certificate to congratulate them on their achievements in the program. Students were also provided with valuable insights into the Canadian economy, and the skills that are required to ensure success within today’s complex business environment. Dr. Ranvir Sharda from Voice Radio presided over the event, and presented Dr.Dhalla with a plaque in appreciation of her attendance in the event. Other guest personalities included Major Singh Nagra form Wattan Media Group and Manan Gupta from Road Today Magazine. All attendees were then served lunch courtesy of the Avaal staff, and later preceded to participate in a group photograph session. Graduates from the 14th ceremony included, Sarbjit Singh Gill, Manpreet Brar, Harminder Brar, Kulwant Singh Kalsi, Rajiv K Wadhwa, Rony Badawy, Jagroop Hothi, Fatehjeet Mann, Baldish Somal, Rishi Wazir, and Usman Ahmed.

Avaal has undoubtedly cast a significant foot print in the logistics industry, and has quickly become a leading edge institute recognized by the government of Ontario. The college’s primary objective is evident in its unique style of teaching, which encompasses a well blended mixture of both hands-on practical experience and theoretical knowledge. The course is fine tuned to prepare students for the challenges they will face in the multi-dimensional trucking industry. Students learn to effectively manage operations, with an emphasis on revenue and profit maximization.

As the trucking industry often experiences economic down turns during the months of January and February, the Summer provides carriers with ample opportunity to make up for lost revenues. States such as Florida and Georgia are plagued with serious shortages of transport carriers to meet the demands of their vast produce sector. However, the modern business environment presents several complex technological challenges that carriers must overcome in order to capitalize on these opportunities. With the implementation of the new mandated ACE electronic manifest system, carriers crossing the border must ensure that they transmit all cargo, crew, equipment and conveyance data to customs border officials prior to entry. This can be a complex task for the novice computer user, and errors in data transmission can cost carriers thousands of dollars in fines. Avaal’s trucking dispatch specialist course helps students overcome these technological barriers, and prepares them for the road ahead.

Avaal’s programs are also well suited for individuals looking for work in the transport sector. As government regulations often threaten corporate earnings, employers are constantly in search for individuals who can economize on current practices, without compromising on service. Avaal’s courses prepare students to fulfill this challenging role. Several graduates have already commenced employment with leading transport companies, and follow up interviews suggest that employers are extremely satisfied with the level of comprehension displayed by former Avaal students. In addition, many graduates are also on the opposite side of the spectrum and have established successful trucking companies of their own.

For information: https://www.avaal.com or
Contact: info@avaal.com
Phone: 905-595-1313