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If you’re a freight broker and your customer calls and demands “Where’s my load?” you’d better have an answer. And it better NOT be, “Let me make a few calls and get back to you.”
A new feature in DAT OnTime — DAT’s load tracking platform — enables brokers to send their customer a link that will show the current location of the load on a U.S. map. The customer can keep that link to check back on the progress of the load, any time of the day or night.
A new feature in DAT OnTime allows freight brokers to share load location information with their shipper customers.
What is DAT OnTime?
If you’re not familiar with DAT OnTime, it’s a new DAT product that launched this past April. It enables freight brokers to track their loads via an app installed on the driver’s cell phone. When the driver accepts the load, he simply downloads the OnTime app, and tracking begins.
Brokers can use OnTime to track all of their loads, or just selected loads. There are no set-up fees, and OnTime costs as little as $1 per load.
Source:- DAT.
AVAAL partners with DAT to offer a special on the TruckersEdge Load Board to its members. Sign up for TruckersEdge today and get your first 30 days free by signing up at This offer is available to new TruckersEdge subscribers only
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AVAAL Technology Solutions is the industry leader in providing cost-effective and time-saving solutions for the transportation industry.
AVAAL Technology Solutions is the industry leader in providing cost effective.