4 Things You Might Not Know About AVAAL Freight Management

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4 Things You Might Not Know About AVAAL Freight Management Software

Technology is critical to the success of transportation companies these days. Having comprehensive and easy to use freight management software will help your business become more efficient and successful. AVAAL Freight Management software is the solution for carriers, freight brokers, and freight forwarders. Here are a few things you might not know about it.
On the Go Software

AVAAL Freight Management Suite (AFM) is a web-based software, meaning you can use it anytime, anywhere! This allows your company to track freight and stay in touch with drivers easily. It also comes with a phone app for drivers that allow them to receive dispatch instructions, update on deliveries, and attach all the necessary documents and photos. The on-the-go tracking feature of the software and app means that your company can track drivers and freight to give clients real-time updates.
Integrated Accounting Software

One of the best features of AFM Suite that sets it apart from other freight management software is its integrated accounting system. The accounting software included in AFM Suite was specifically developed to meet the needs of trucking companies and has all of the features you would need. The integrated accounting software makes it easy to invoice, print checks, and do employee payroll. It even features QuickBooks integration and so much more to make accounting a breeze!
Multiple Software Functionalities

There are many parts to freight management, and our software is made to address all of them. AVAAL Freight Management software includes three different functionalities; Order Management, Fleet Management, and Customer Management. This makes it easy to track freight, schedule drivers, update orders, and invoice clients all from one, easy to use platform.
Constant Support

If you ever run into any questions or concerns with AFM Suite, AVAAL is here to help. We offer 24/7 support to help you with all of your needs. You can get help from our support staff by calling us on the phone, reporting an issue online, or using remote support. We also offer support with installation, navigation, and training. Our team is ready to help your company get to know the software, so the transition period is as easy as possible.
International Trade

Freight forwarder specialists play a role in North America’s transportation industry and the entire global supply chain. Our course is unique in that it provides a Canadian and international perspective. During the course, you’ll learn all about international shipments and understand the business requirements of operating outside of Canada.
Ready to explore all of the features of our freight management software? Contact our service representatives to request a demo by calling 647-943-1313 or contacting us online.