The job market for a truck dispatcher. - AVAAL Technology Solutions

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The job market for a truck dispatcher.

Canada and the US have been dependent on road logistics for a very long time as both nations share similar product needs which promotes trade exchange. Statistics show that there is a shortage of truck drivers in the year 2019. Currently, Canada reports being short of around 25,000 truck drivers while the US reports a whopping shortage of around 60,000 drivers. This is predicted to increase over the next few years.

The American Trucking Association projects that freight volume will increase by almost 30% by 2026. Foreign trade has increased demand, with trucking still the primary method of transporting goods. Drivers and dispatchers will continue to be needed to meet the growing industry.

Work from Home opportunitiesDispatchers can work from home as long as they use the right technology. A cloud-based Trucking Management Software integrated with tracking and communication tools to connect with customers on one side and drivers on the other.AFM Suite(AVAAL Freight Management) meets these criteria by offering an All-In-One, web-based solution, fully integrated with a Driver Mobile App for smooth communication, tracking, and file exchange with dispatchers.

Salaries and BenefitsDispatchers’ average salary is usually between $38,790 ($18.65/hour) to $64,940 ($31.22/hour) depending on the experience, performance, and employers. Driver’s and dispatchers’ demand will continue to grow over the years. It looks to be a stable career path for at least the coming 10 years.

Work ScheduleThis is normally a full-time position, but dispatchers can be on call 24/7, available to step in should a driver become ill or injured or if some other unforeseen event should occur. Additionally, drivers aren’t on their routes only during business hours, so this job isn’t always confined to Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

EducationExtensive education is not typically required, but some college background can help you land a job. You’ll usually need at least a high school diploma or GED to become a truck dispatcher, but an associate or bachelor’s degree is sometimes preferred.

At AVAAL, we rely on our decades of experience to provide custom-fit training for students interested in starting a career in trucking or/and starting their own trucking business with a solid foundation and the right support.

Training & CertificationThousands of students have trusted AVAAL to start or boost their careers and move on with better opportunities. We consider training as the best personal investment someone can make; knowledge is power and all achievements will emanate from it.

After the pandemic, we made our training classes, Dispatch and Safety, available both in-person and online to overcome the geographical boundaries and reach all students in North America who are looking to make the move and get into the trucking industry.