Everything to Know About CSA Certification

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Everything to Know About CSA Certification

The transportation industry is heavily regulated, and Canada keeps a close eye on truck freight entering the country. To make border crossing easier, the Canada Border Services Agency launched the Customs Self Assessment (CSA) program for select carriers and drivers. Having CSA certification allows your business to transport goods into Canada easily. Here are a few things you should know about it.

What is CSA Certification?

Customs Self Assessment (CSA) is a Canadian program designed to make border crossing quicker and more efficient for pre-approved, low-risk carriers and drivers. CSA essentially shifts customs accounting and payments into a monthly reporting format, rather than a single transaction method. This allows certified drivers and carriers to move more efficiently across the border, saving companies time and money.

How to Become a Truck Dispatcher:
Basic Education

Unlike other careers in the trucking industry, dispatcher jobs don’t necessarily require higher education. That means that you don’t need a university or college degree to land a truck dispatcher job. However, most companies won’t consider you unless you have a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent.

Who is Eligible for CSA Certification?

Carriers, importers, and drivers can all be eligible to join the CSA program. Carriers eligible for CSA certification must:

  • • be bonded ($25,000.00 and over);
  • • have a history of transporting goods to or from Canada for at least 90 days;
  • • not have a history of contraband or major commercial infractions;
  • • be willing to be liable for and maintain control of all shipments, including CSA-approved shipments, until goods are released, and;
  • • be willing to provide senior management authorization that proper commercial business processes and audit trails will support CSA program requirements.
What are the Benefits of Being CSA Certified?

There are many benefits to being CSA certified as a carrier, importer, or even driver. Being CSA certified means that border crossing is more efficient. Paperwork is kept to a minimum, and drivers can enter Canada without having to clear the load. CSA certified businesses also get access to the FAST program and FAST lanes, which speed up the border crossing process. To become CSA certified, there is a rigorous screening process, and only the most trustworthy get approved, meaning that border services are less likely to stop and randomly inspect CSA certified loads.

How to Become CSA Certified?

There is a rigorous screening process in order to obtain CSA certification. Carriers have to undergo a two-part application and approval process. The first part includes risk assessment, and the second part looks at books, records, and dispatch systems.
The CSA certification process can be time-consuming and complicated. With AVAAL Consulting services, we can help you obtain CSA certification. We will make sure all documents and applications are filled out accurately and promptly. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you obtain CSA certification!