AVAAL Freight Management Named One of the Top Logistics Software Products of 2020 - AVAAL Technology Solutions

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AVAAL Freight Management Named One of the Top Logistics Software Products of 2020

AVAAL is proud to announce that Crozdesk has named us one of the Top Logistics Software Products of 2020!

Crozdesk is a web-based service that connects buyers and sellers of business software. Entrepreneur Nicholas Hopper launched the company in 2015, and the company continues to grow today. The company uses its own algorithm to assign each software a score, called Crozscore, which is used to rank each product. These scores are then used to compile the top 20 lists, with each product vetted for relevancy to ensure it ranks in the proper category.

AVAAL is pleased to rank on their Top 20 Software Products of 2020 in the Logistics category. Our product was given a Crozscore of 78 out of 100 and had 100% user satisfaction.

AVAAL Freight Management Suite is a web-based dispatch and fleet management software. We offer different modules designed specifically for brokers, freight forwarders, and logistics providers. This software offers a number of amazing features for trucking businesses such as flexible fleet management, integrated accounting systems, and automatic dispatch instructions.

Thank you to all of our amazing employees and clients! This wouldn’t have happened without your hard work and support. We are happy to be ranked as one of the best logistics software and look forward to doing more great work this year!

You can find the full list of Crozdesk’s Top 20 Logistics Software Products of 2020 here.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our products. Sign up for AFM Suite today and start seeing all of the amazing advantages this software can provide your business.