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Avaal provides logistics companies with all the permits and authorities needed to transport goods.
Increase the profitability and prestige of your business with an industry-recognized designation.
Important piece of documentation to secure your transportation.
Simple yet intuitive designs pushing your company ahead of the curve.
Freight Management Software
ACE/ACI e-Manifest
Trucking Management Software
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Brampton, ON — Jan 28, 2007 – Avaal’s highly anticipated twelfth graduation ceremony took place on Sunday, and momentously exceeded the expectations of all attendees. The landmark event witnessed the attendance of representatives from several media agencies, as well as Voice Radio’s own, Ranvir Sharda who presided over the event. Graduating students were also allowed the opportunity to present questions to Brampton’s own MP, Gurbax Malhi who graciously participated in the event and offered words of encouragement to inspire students to continue perusing their interests in the logistics industry. Successful students were also presented their Avaal graduation certificates, in addition to personalized government issued certificates, courteousy of Mr. Malhi who had them developed specifically for this occasion. Students and guests were later served with lunch, organized by the Avaal staff, and participated in a photo graph session to conclude the spectacular event.
Avaal has continued to experience tremendous growth in its Dispatch Specialist Course, and will likely experience the same success with the launch of its one year diploma program in logistics.The diploma program is designed to target individuals who wish to effectively develop their aptitude in the logistics field in order to efficiently manage overall operations. The course is already gaining significant momentum on an international level as the company has already announced the deployment of an office in India which will process applications for foreign students. The course provides students with an insight into several key topics including, transportation, warehousing, inventory control and supply chain management.
Speculation of Avaals diploma program had been in circulation for several months, however, Avaals plans have now been officially released on their newly developed website. The website has undergone a tremendous makeover and offers potential students the ability to obtain course information online and complete the enrolment procedures through an online secure internet web portal. Individuals and students can also obtain information on various other services and educational resources offered by Avaal such as IT solutions, and hardware sales.
It has been an incredible year for the Brampton based IT company, and the company shows no sign of decreasing its pace in the near future. More information about these courses can be obtained by calling 905 595 1313, or by visiting the company head office at 110 -2 Automatic Road, Brampton, ON L6S 6K8. Avaal’s website also provides information about these logistics courses.
For information: orContact: info@avaal.comPhone: 905-595-1313
Or call us at +1 (647) 943-1313
AVAAL Technology Solutions is the industry leader in providing cost-effective and time-saving solutions for the transportation industry.
AVAAL Technology Solutions is the industry leader in providing cost effective.